Ferdinand Braun Institute recognized for its efforts to promote young talents
Closer cooperation planned with the Employment Agency

Mario Lehwald, Chairman of the Management Board of the Employment Agency Berlin South, has awarded the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut for its "outstanding commitment to vocational training". He presented the official certificate for the promotion of young talents 2020/21 to the training supervisors Marlies Gielow (left) and Marvin Schilling (center). The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH) has been training three to four young people per year for almost 30 years, and from 1998 onwards, particularly in microtechnology. The ceremony took place at the beginning of August 2021 during a visit of the Federal Employment Agency to the Leibniz institute, which was attended by Mario Lehwald and the Managing Director of the Berlin-Brandenburg regional office, Dr. Ramona Schröder. FBH was represented by the institute's management and the Network for Vocational and Advanced Training in High Technology – ANH Berlin, which is based at the institute.
Inspiring young people for research and securing skilled workers
The meeting was about strengthening the cooperation in recruiting young people and securing skilled personnel, especially since not all vacant training positions can be filled. "We have observed that the number of applications has been decreasing in recent years and that many of those who apply are not yet ready for training," explained FBH's Scientific Director Günther Tränkle. "However, qualified personnel, especially in the industrial-technical area, is essential for operating our high-tech cleanrooms."
There is no lack of adequate ideas and approaches to address the shortage of skilled workers at ANH Berlin. Since 2007, the network has been offering comprehensive support and advice on securing the workforce in the high-tech sector – from practical career orientation for school students to actual placement of apprenticeships with suitable applicants. "The companies and research institutions in our network are desperately seeking qualified personnel," emphasized Anja Quednau of ANH Berlin. She is certain that "we could make young people fit for training by providing them with precisely tailored preparatory training courses and thus counteract the shortage of skilled workers". That's why this meeting was just the start. "For example, practical workshops for career counselors would be possible who can then provide targeted advice to young people during their school visits based on first-hand experience would be possible," Anja Quednau continues.
Further information:
Ferdinand-Braun-Institut gGmbH, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik
Gustav-Kirchhoff-Straße 4, 12489 Berlin
Phone +49 30 6392-2600
Email fbh(at)fbh-berlin.de
Press release FBH, 6 August 2021