Prof. Oussama Moutanabbir honoured with the IKZ International Fellowship Award 2022
The scientist receives the award for his pioneering contributions to the field of SiGe-based Quantum Materials

The future is Quantum. Quantum technologies are unfolding and the associated research and developments on high‑quality quantum materials are driving this revolution. The Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchung (IKZ) is at the forefront of these developments, specializing in the research on isotopically enriched SiGe‑based quantum materials.
The IKZ International Fellowship Award on SiGe‑based Quantum Materials honors internationally recognized, outstanding senior scientists in the field to establish in a collaboration with IKZ new research directions and future third-party-funded research projects. Professor Oussama Moutanabbir of the Polytechnique Montréal, Canada, receives this year’s IKZ International Fellowship Award for his outstanding expertise in isotopically enriched SiGe-based materials- and device research, extensive record of high-quality scientific publications, third-party funding, and research team supervision.
The prize together with the prize money of 10.000 € was handed over by IKZ direction Professor Thomas Schröder at the IKZ workshop on SiGe‑based materials for quantum technologies on May 18th, 2022. The workshop was organized by IKZ Junior Research Group on SiGe quantum materials headed by Dr. Kevin Gradwohl. It brought together leading scientists of the field and was held in honor of longtime colleague and friend late Dr. Petr Sennikov. The event served as the kick-off for fruitful upcoming research proposals and rich future collaborations, including the training of next generation young researchers as well as industrial projects.
Further information:
Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.
Junior Research Group "SiGe-based Quantum Materials and Heterostructures"
Kevin-Peter Gradwohl
Phone +49 30 6392-3021
Email kevin-peter.gradwohl(at)
Press release IKZ, 25 May 2022