Well connected
The proximity of business and science in Adlershof inspires innovation in computer technology

The staff at Harting IT Software Development GmbH & Co. KG in Adlershof, now numbering six employees, has been tinkering with new information technology solutions for more than a year. “Our task is to develop machines for the industry 4.0,” says Karsten Walther who is team leader of the Berlin branch of the Harting Group based in Espelkamp in North Rhine-Westphalia. The goal of the Industry 4.0 project is to create the smart factory which integrates information technology in manufacturing.
It is no coincidence that the technology group from Espelkamp chose Adlershof. Björn Scheuermann, chair of the computer engineering group of the Humboldt-Universität in Berlin, pointed them in the right direction. Scheuermann is convinced: “Adlershof is the right place to build a team. Moreover, finding partners for cooperative projects is easy because the exchange between science and industry works so well.” Walther’s team, Scheuermann’s institute and other partners are currently preparing a major research project – living proof for the effectiveness of synergy in Adlershof. It is a win-win situation for both industry and science. “I am glad that I have close-by partners to exchange ideas with,” says Björn Scheuermann. The Harting Group, on the other hand, was happy to find qualified staff.
There are many more examples of successful cooperation with other companies. Scheuermann’s institute made a security analysis for the Adlershof-based company ICE Gateway GmbH. “We were brought together by the operating company WISTA-MANAGEMENT. The fact that the site management knows which partners could fit together is another great advantage,” says Scheuermann. ICE Gateway develops networked LED street lights that provide passing vehicles and pedestrians with traffic and environmental data.
Karsten Walther from the Harting Group stresses the many advantages of Adlershof. “These are why we are already planning to move into larger premises this year.” He also looks forward to new companies moving in: “I have an interest in everything related to networking and IT security,” says professor Scheuermann. “I always find it exciting when companies approach me with interesting research questions.”
By Christian Hunziker for Adlershof Special