Today trendsetting, competitive products are virtually inconceivable without microsystems engineering – and Berlin is ideally equipped for this trend, adopting as it does a top position in a nationwide comparison of…
Product miniaturisation enjoys equally great significance for both science and industry. The range of applications for Microsystems is virtually unlimited, extending over logistics, security, quality surveillance in…
Location quality as a formula for success: Adlershof as a role model of site development:
A Quality Location – Recipe for Success // Thinking Big: Significance of Adlershof as a location // Networks and ideas: Dachland's new head office // Sustainability in Development and Architecture: „Wohnen am Campus“…
Today, after almost two decades of planning and development, a look at the significance of Adlershof as a location past, present and future reveals surprising insights and opens up new perspectives. The city of…
Adlershof – developed into a successful science and technology park within the space of only a few years – today stands as a model of location development, thanks to a forward-looking approach to planning and a…
The completion date is October 2010: Dachland GmbH will be settling in its new head office directly opposite the solar module manufacturer Solon SE, which has also built here its new headquarters. Dachland GmbH has…
Currently, there is just a large green meadow, but in charts and drafts this space has already been marked in yellow. “Wohnen am Campus” is the name of the project that planner Christof Hamm and his colleagues at…
Interview with Jörg Overbeck, Chair of Europa-Center AG Your company has proved its commitment in Berlin Adlershof with an office building covering 9,000 square metres. Are your investments restricted to this one…
What makes Adlershof grow even in difficult times? A real estate developer visiting Adlershof these days will hardly find any sign of crisis. Newly completed buildings, busy construction sites and large plots of land…
That Adlershof offers great opportunities for sustainable real estate investments has been a truism at the latest since construction began on the new Berlin airport BBI. It is also a well known secret that this has…
The name Adlershof definitely has a ring to it, and the location, with its many institutions and businesses, is regularly covered in the media. But no one at Adlershof labours under the illusion that investors and…
The eight is a magical number and a symbol for a successful beginning not only in Christianity. In architecture the eight can be found in the form of an octagon – and “Am Oktogon” is the name of the new campus for…
The industrial upswing of the Adlershof and Johannisthal communities began in 1866 with the construction of the Berlin-Görlitz railway by the “Railway King” Bethel Henry Strousberg. Much has happened here since then:…
Noise is meant to be heard and not seen – at least that was the case until the Society for the Promotion of Applied Computer Sciences (Gesellschaft zur Förderung angewandter Informatik, GFaI) introduced their latest…
A machine that reads minds: Two people are seated before a monitor and are playing Pong. However, to move the digital paddles they are not using their hands, rather the power of their minds. What sounds like science…
Photos like no man has seen before. 3D images from the red planet – for many years considered to be impossible, this vision has become reality. The credit for these spectacular images belongs to the High Resolution…
Developed in Adlershof, deployed throughout the world: ELCRODAT 6-2, is currently the most advanced encryption system in the world for ISDN networks. Developed by a company called Rohde und Schwarz SIT – a subsidiary…
In principle, films today are shot just as they were 50 years ago: on analog film material. Worldwide, more and more film reels are being stored in overflowing leasing and film archives. A solution was needed so that…
The series “Verliebt in Berlin“ has quickly become a hit in the ratings and has won not only the hearts of the viewers, but also the highly respected Deutschen Fernsehpreis 2005, the German “Emmy” - a remarkable…
There is hardly another German film that has gained so much attention both nationally and internationally as Wolfgang Becker’s film about a 21 year old, named Alex, whose mother suffered a heart attack just prior to…