
A bandage on many wounds
The life of Etty Hillesum was recently filmed at the studios of the LichtHaus Group:
At Gross-Berliner Damm 83a, the Johannisthal film studio of the LichtHaus Group spans 1,300 square metres and is just 500 metres from the historic Johannisthaler Filmanstalten, or Jofa film studios. It was here that,…

Interim tenant with potential
The German Film and Television Academy Berlin is moving to Adlershof:
Early next year, the German Film and Television Academy Berlin GmbH (DFFB) will vacate its premises at Potsdamer Platz, Berlin’s hub for culture and media, as its lease there expires. The DFFB has found temporary…

The cheerleader
Christian Oberfuchshuber fires up audiences as the crowd warmer for major TV shows:
His show is before the show: Christian „Fuchsi“ Oberfuchshuber is the crowd warmer for major TV shows like Germany’s Next Topmodel, Eurovision Song Contest, or ZDF-Fernsehgarten. Two years ago, he energised the crowd…

Adlershof was a huge playground to me
How his neighbourhood turned actor Moritz Russ into an artist:
First, Adlershof, then the whole world? Both a visionary and an artist, Moritz Russ could make it happen. His youth in Adlershof opened doors to the world of art. Russ is a jack-of-all-trades, writes poetry, turns…

How accurate is physics depicted in the movies?
“As long as the film stays in its own logic, I can accept other theories”, says Çiğdem İşsever from HU Berlin:
Caution is required whenever physics appears in films, says Çiğdem İşsever. She dedicates herself to the fundamentals of particle physics at Humboldt Universität’s Lise Meitner House in Adlershof. Entertainment…

Berlin Adlershof: High technology, skilled employees and openness as key success factors
Germany's largest science and technology park remains an important pillar of Berlin's economy :
The Berlin Adlershof Science and Technology Park continued its positive development in 2023. Revenues and budget funds grew by a solid 7.1% to € 3.9 billion (2022: € 3.6 billion). The number of employees remained…

Television up close
The guided tours of the studios in Berlin Adlershof attract both Berliners and non-Berliners:
Berlin is not only the country’s capital but also a television hub. Many of the studios in Berlin Adlershof are up to 2,400 square metres large and home to TV mainstays like ‘Verstehen Sie Spaß?’ and ‘Klein gegen…

Berlin is on the Baltic
“SOKO Wismar” is investigating in Adlershof:
The police station of the fictional special investigations unit “SOKO Wismar” of the eponymous crime series is a long way away from the seaside town of Wismar. It’s located in Studio 20c in Berlin Adlershof, 260…

“New talent often has trouble entering the industry”
Sabrina Schnell of TV+Synchron Berlin is committed to creating more diversity:
Life is not black and white; it’s colourful. However, these colours are not visible in the film industry in a particularly convincing way. Changes are underway. Actor Tyron Ricketts, for example, and his production…

Berlin Adlershof: Record growth despite skills shortage and multiple crises
Positive development despite interlocking crises/ Remarkable increase particularly in employment:
Despite various interlocking crises, the Science and Technology Park in Berlin Adlershof was able to grow significantly in 2022. Revenues and budgetary resources increased to €3.63 billion (2021: €3.21 billion),…

A box full of memories
Sabine Berger was an animator on GDR television. An exhibition at Theater Ost commemorates the start of broadcasting:
Guten Abend, verehrte Fernsehfreunde – good evening, dear TV fans – were the fairly unspectacular words that launched the first two-hour broadcasts of German television in the former Soviet occupation zone, uttered by…

“Ours is not a supporting role but a main role”
Anne Becker of Adlershofer Fundus, Adlershof’s prop and costume inventory, about the striking similarities to the hierarchical world of the film “The Ordinaries”:
A visit to Adlershofer Fundus can be overwhelming. On an area of 4,000 square metres in a cellar of Ernst-Augustin-Strasse 7, you will find the crowns of kings and knight’s armour, bus stop signs, old books, bags,…

It felt like point zero
Production company “Filmgarnitur” realises creative and very personal projects:
Sven Michael Otto and Christoph Rohrscheidt founded the production company “Filmgarnitur” just before the pandemic. Looking back, it was a great chance for creative and very personal projects. Sometimes life just…

A happy ending for Theater Ost
A cultural mainstay of Adlershof finds safety in its old, new home:
Ever since the Berlin Wall fell, the landmarked building on Moriz Seeler Strasse was up for sale on the condition that it was used either for culture or media. “What was missing,” says Kathrin Schülein from Theater…

“Building this studio was a dream of mine”
One of Europe’s largest XR (extended reality) studios is being created in Adlershof’s Science City:
Head lighting technician Mike Zimmermann and his company Lichthaus Berlin GmbH are pioneers of environmentally friendly movie production. Productions at the new studio in Adlershof are 100 percent…

Two movie buffs and a hamster do advertising
Explainer videos are more than moving-image manuals:
Size doesn’t matter according to Willi Haninger, CEO and creative producer at Angry Hamster UG. Haninger and his business partner Marina Izquierdo work with a team of ten freelancers. “Our strength is that we tend to…

An incisive experience in the company's 30-year history
Rost Werbetechnik is fighting for survival and created the “Cardboardience”:
At first glance, it seems like the TV studio is full. Every second audience member, however, is made of cardboard. Since mid-March 2020 well-known German TV shows have been shooting without an audience for safety…

A treasure trove of costumes and props
The costumes and props of the Adlershofer Fundus is the place to go for authentic film sets:
The Adlershofer Fundus is an institution of Berlin’s television landscape: both a piece of cultural history and a place where the city’s filmmakers meet. Many well-known film sets were equipped and are still equipped…

Berlin’s forgotten dream factory
The Johannisthaler Filmanstalten (Jofa) film studios were founded a hundred years ago:
The year 1920 began with some far-reaching changes for the German Empire. On 10 January, the Treaty of Versailles became effective. In Johannisthal and Adlershof, two then-rural communities on the south-eastern…

Secret places
Time travelling through the Egg Room, the magnificent director’s office, and other hidden places:
A neon-lit corridor, cold and long, leads up to the director’s office – decorated with all kinds of insignia of power. The R1 building with its rather austere exterior was once home to the television broadcaster of…