Introducing an innovative world of work, ST3AM is now opening on the Adlershof campus:
Wealthy regions offer talent, technology—research, development, and academia—, tolerance—communities that practice openness and diversity—, and land available for development. This is complemented by other ecological…
The "ST3AM" at the Adlershof campus is a place where people can work in a more flexible, creative and interdisciplinary way:
At the university campus in Adlershof, a new hub called ST3AM is taking shape where people can work on ideas that will truly drive humanity forward in a more agile, creative, and interdisciplinary way than other…
ST3AM in Adlershof seeks to reconcile seemingly contradictory worlds of work. Occupational psychologists are helping it succeed with a research project.:
“From research in occupational psychology, we know that the workplace and a space’s environmental factors like lighting, acoustics, and colours play an important role in determining how well, how creative, and how…
WISTA is testing new spatial concepts for hybrid working:
Performing knowledge-based work decentrally – be it in a home office, on the road, or at a café – can be convenient. But it also has its disadvantages. It makes teamwork, social interaction, stimulating discussions,…