Story about magical vegetables promotes healthier eating behaviour in preschool children
An international team of psychologists shows how reading a story to children still influences their preference for fruit and vegetables after one to two weeks:
In a study, an international team led by retired Professor Werner Sommer from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin was able to show that children's preference for fruit and vegetables was influenced by being read a story.…

Inspiring start of Workhier!
The Young Academics Career Programme for International PhD candidates and PostDocs in Adlershof!:
On January 30, the Workhier! programme started with the first cohort of 23 young scientists, mainly from the Adlershof campus. Workhier! is designed to support international doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in…

New material for extracting carbon dioxide from air and exhaust gases
Quantum chemical calculations by HU enable the development of porous materials distinct by a high adsorption capacity for CO₂:
Climate experts agree: To tackle the climate crisis, we will not only need to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions but also directly filter the harmful gas from air and exhaust gases. To this end, scientists are…

Studying together what belongs together
The new BA-level study course IMP at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin combines three core scientific subjects: computer science, mathematics, and physics:
When Laura Michaelis sought to enroll at Humboldt University in 2016, she was initially uncertain. She was interested in the natural sciences but didn't want to commit to just one discipline. This was before the…
Romantic relationships are more important for men than for women
Analysis of more than 50 studies reveals unexpected gender differences:
Most of us probably assume that romantic relationships are more important for women than for men. In any case, romantic relationships are a much more popular topic in women's magazines than in magazines aimed at men.…

Supercharging talent
How the Technology Park in Adlershof supports the next generation of STEM professionals:
According to a study, around one-fifth of young people aged ten to 16 have a ‘fear of mathematics.’ This applies equally to most STEM subjects. Why? And what can we do about it? For Tobias Bohnhardt, these findings…
Long-term psychological study on parenthood and well-being
Kids or no kids – men and women are equally satisfied across almost the entire lifespan:
Having children makes people happy, especially women – this is a common societal belief. But how do mental health, well-being and feelings of loneliness change in parents compared to women and men without children…

ERC Consolidator Grant for quantum physicist Tim Schröder
2.5 million euros funding for the research project „Multidimensional Hyperentangled Photon Graph States“:
Prof. Dr. Tim Schröder from the Departement of Physics at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik (FBH), has been awarded a Consolidator Grant from…

Award for FBH researchers from MyoQuant project
At the Berlin Quantum Pioneer Days the young scientists were awarded the jury prize:
A successful week came to an end for Sascha Neinert and Kirti Vardhan. The two young scientists from the Joint Lab Integrated Quantum Sensors (IQS) were awarded the jury prize of the Berlin Quantum Pioneer incubation…
![Dr. Gustav Uhre Jakobsen © sevens[+]maltry](/fileadmin/_processed_/9/8/csm_Gustav-Uhre-Jakobsen-AEI-Potsdam__c_sevens_maltry_be0bdf5574.webp)
Tiburtius Prize 2024 for Gustav Uhre Jakobsen
The physicist receives a recognition award for his dissertation on quantum field theory at the HU:
Gustav Uhre Jakobsen, a postdoc at the Humboldt University of Berlin and in the Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity Department at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute,…

Interim tenant with potential
The German Film and Television Academy Berlin is moving to Adlershof:
Early next year, the German Film and Television Academy Berlin GmbH (DFFB) will vacate its premises at Potsdamer Platz, Berlin’s hub for culture and media, as its lease there expires. The DFFB has found temporary…

Adlershof Research Forum 2024: Innovations and strategic impulses for the science campus
AFF poster prize was awarded to Juliane Scholl:
Almost 100 scientists, young researchers and founders came together to the Adlershof Research Forum on 11.11.2024 at Erwin Schrödinger Centre to discuss current developments and challenges facing the science location…

Feeling ever younger
Researchers of Berlin’s Humboldt-Universität show: People today feel younger than the generations before them:
A glance in the mirror tells us that felt age must not match our chronological age. A 37-year-old suffering from sciatica might exclaim: “I feel like I’m 80!” But how old do 70-year-olds feel whizzing by on racing…
Scientists caution irreversible climate damages when it comes to overshooting 1.5°C
A study coordinated by Humboldt-Universität has analysed so-called overshoot scenarios and warns of their consequences for the climate and the environment:
Even if it is possible to reverse the rise of global temperatures after a temporary overshoot of 1.5°C, some climate damages triggered at peak warming will be irreversible. These are the findings of 30 scientists…

Research institute IRIS Adlershof ended
After 15 years, the funding phases for the “Integrative Research Institute for the Sciences” at HU Berlin have been completed:
Since its founding in 2009, the Integrative Research Institute for the Sciences of Humboldt University in Berlin – IRIS Adlershof – looks back on 15 years of successful work. IRIS Adlershof has developed into an…

HU Geographer studies investments in environmental and biodiversity conservation in South America
Cross-national analysis shows how funds can be used more efficiently to protect tropical forests:
Scientific studies on the protection of tropical rainforests and dry forests show three trends over the last few decades: since the 1990s, the forest cover has shrunk by an estimated 65,000 to 95,000 km2. At the same…

The flow directions of science communication
A research project from Berlin uses transdisciplinary formats to start a conversation with people from the region:
“In some places, there will be too much water, in some too little, and water in general will be more polluted.” At the Einstein Research Unit Climate and Water under Change (CliWaC), researchers from various…

Science und Society
How research and innovation secure our future:
Without research and innovation, our society would stagnate. The institutes and companies in Adlershof show how it can be done differently every day anew. We will take an in-depth look at how they secure our future…

FBH strengthens German-British cooperation in high-performance photonics
Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH) and the University of Glasgow intensify expert exchange and initiate new Visiting Professorship:
Berlin-based Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH) and the University of Glasgow to deepen cooperation, focusing on ultra-high-power photonic applications and enhanced exchange of photonics experts and students through the…

Save-the-Date: Adlershof Research Forum / Call for Posters
Registration for poster session until 14 October 2024:
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the research network IGAFA e. V. and WISTA Management GmbH cordially invite you to the Adlershof Research Forum (AFF), which offers insights into research highlights from Adlershof at…