
The molecule splitter
Michelle Brown is working on producing green hydrogen:
Splitting water—using electrical energy to break the H₂O molecule into its gaseous components, hydrogen and oxygen, to be exact. Could this process be made cheaper, simpler, and more efficient? This question has…

The molecule sleuth
Carsten Engelhard monitors the reliability of chemical analyses:
Searching for a needle in a haystack. Is that the appropriate metaphor? It could make it easier for a layperson to understand how Carsten Engelhard spends his workdays. In both research and teaching, his home has been…

The digital thinker
Manouchehr Shamsrizi deals with the social impact of technology:
He is not easy to pin down. Not to one field of expertise. Not to one place. Manouchehr Shamsrizi lives with his wife and young daughter in Hamburg-Wellingsbüttel, where he was born into a Persian immigrant family in…