38,000 schoolchildren visited the school lab at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin:
Twenty years ago, on 29 November 2004, Klaus Böger, then Senator for Education in Berlin, opened one of the capital's first school laboratories. Since then, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB), in cooperation with the…
Introducing an innovative world of work, ST3AM is now opening on the Adlershof campus:
Wealthy regions offer talent, technology—research, development, and academia—, tolerance—communities that practice openness and diversity—, and land available for development. This is complemented by other ecological…
Ferdinand-Braun-Institut will coordinate a national academy for microelectronics and microsystem technology:
Securing skilled workers for the chip industry – with this goal in mind, the nationwide flagship project “Skilled workers for microelectronics: skills4chips” funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research…
The awardees are bioinformatician Dr. Sara Hetzel and mathematician Dr. Alexandra Quitmann:
In 2024, the Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V. (FVB) will honor two early career researchers with the Marthe Vogt Award, endowed with €3,000. Both Dr. Sara Hetzel and Dr. Alexandra Quitmann have presented outstanding…
Start of major online and offline campaign with banners and posters:
35,000 people, 35,000 stories. One goal: Crafting future from diverse perspectives. WISTA Management GmbH (WISTA), managing company of the Adlershof Technology Park, has initiated a local campaign for more tolerance…
Jessica Gosse is an engineer as well as an experienced relay runner:
It was the 2013 Girl’s Day, a career event for young girls in STEM subjects, when Jessica Gosse decided on her future career path. The then 14-year-old got a sneak peek into what it meant working for the…
Gustav Mogull receives the Karl Scheel Prize of the Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin, endowed with 5,000 euros:
Gustav Mogull, a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute/AEI) in Potsdam and at Humboldt University in Berlin, investigates mathematical methods and…
Ferdinand-Braun-Institut and the Aus- und Weiterbildungsnetzwerk Hochtechnologie (Advanced Training Network for High Technology) are committed to promoting young talent:
The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, in collaboration with the Aus- und Weiterbildungsnetzwerk Hochtechnologie (Advanced Training Network for High Technology) (ANH Berlin), is committed to securing the next generation of…
The "ST3AM" at the Adlershof campus is a place where people can work in a more flexible, creative and interdisciplinary way:
At the university campus in Adlershof, a new hub called ST3AM is taking shape where people can work on ideas that will truly drive humanity forward in a more agile, creative, and interdisciplinary way than other…
ST3AM in Adlershof seeks to reconcile seemingly contradictory worlds of work. Occupational psychologists are helping it succeed with a research project.:
“From research in occupational psychology, we know that the workplace and a space’s environmental factors like lighting, acoustics, and colours play an important role in determining how well, how creative, and how…
The physicist developed new superconducting thin-film material systems at HZB that enable significant energy savings at accelerator facilities:
Dr Sebastian Keckert has been awarded the Young Scientist Award for Accelerator Physics of the German Physical Society (DPG). The prize is endowed with 5000 euros and was presented to him on 21.03. during the spring…
As vice-rector at the bbw University of Applied Sciences, she is responsible for making teaching future-proof:
“This is exactly where we belong,” is what the management of bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences exclaimed when it moved the Adlershof Technology Park in April 2023. Since then, the roughly 1,200 students…
The proANH e.V. association is securing demands for skilled staff in microtechnology by offering advanced vocational training to become an electronics manufacturing specialist:
He was looking for a future-proof career opportunity, says Onur Sahin. The 30-year-old was looking to “take a new path.” It was a fabulous stroke of luck that it led him straight to the cleanrooms at…
Fischer Nernst Award winner from HU Chemistry is involved in the Humboldt ProMINT Kolleg:
Maximilian Helmbrecht detected antioxidants in foodstuffs as part of his bachelor’s thesis and received the Fischer-Nernst Award of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU) for it. At the same time, the 23-year-old is…
It’s not as easy as it sounds. Germany is creaking under the strain of a shortage of skilled workers, while demographic changes are only just gathering momentum. How are Adlershof’s research institutes and companies dealing with this?:
Sentech Instruments GmbH is growing substantially and therefore needs more high-skilled workers, especially engineers. However, there is a problem. It seems as though the market has been swept clean. “I have been…
The new WISTA Academy strives to facilitate access to talent and employee retention for companies:
To WISTA, commercial location development is more than plotting land, managing buildings and attracting businesses. It’s also about creating spaces for people to live and work—and to inspire them. After all, success…