
ERC Consolidator Grant for quantum physicist Tim Schröder
2.5 million euros funding for the research project „Multidimensional Hyperentangled Photon Graph States“:
Prof. Dr. Tim Schröder from the Departement of Physics at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik (FBH), has been awarded a Consolidator Grant from…

Award for FBH researchers from MyoQuant project
At the Berlin Quantum Pioneer Days the young scientists were awarded the jury prize:
A successful week came to an end for Sascha Neinert and Kirti Vardhan. The two young scientists from the Joint Lab Integrated Quantum Sensors (IQS) were awarded the jury prize of the Berlin Quantum Pioneer incubation…
![Dr. Gustav Uhre Jakobsen © sevens[+]maltry](/fileadmin/_processed_/9/8/csm_Gustav-Uhre-Jakobsen-AEI-Potsdam__c_sevens_maltry_be0bdf5574.webp)
Tiburtius Prize 2024 for Gustav Uhre Jakobsen
The physicist receives a recognition award for his dissertation on quantum field theory at the HU:
Gustav Uhre Jakobsen, a postdoc at the Humboldt University of Berlin and in the Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity Department at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute,…

Adlershof Research Forum 2024: Innovations and strategic impulses for the science campus
AFF poster prize was awarded to Juliane Scholl:
Almost 100 scientists, young researchers and founders came together to the Adlershof Research Forum on 11.11.2024 at Erwin Schrödinger Centre to discuss current developments and challenges facing the science location…

Forschungsverbund Berlin honours young female scientists with the Marthe Vogt Award
The awardees are bioinformatician Dr. Sara Hetzel and mathematician Dr. Alexandra Quitmann:
In 2024, the Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V. (FVB) will honor two early career researchers with the Marthe Vogt Award, endowed with €3,000. Both Dr. Sara Hetzel and Dr. Alexandra Quitmann have presented outstanding…

BMBF funds IKZ project for efficient power electronics with around 2 million euros
“All-GO-HEMT” project aims to make a significant contribution to sustainable energy generation:
Led by Dr. Andreas Fiedler, the “All-GO-HEMT” project aims to develop modulation-doped β-(AlₓGa₁₋ₓ)₂O₃/Ga₂O₃ heterostructures that exhibit high electron mobility. With total project funding of almost 2 million euros,…

Prof. Dr. Bernd Rech appointed to the Energy Research Advisory Council
HZB‘s Scientific Director will advise the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) on the direction of its energy research policy:
The Federal Minister of Economics Affairs and Climate Action, Robert Habeck, has appointed an advisory board to advise the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) on the energy research programme.…

Complex research explained understandable
Dr. Lisa-Marie Kern receives the Klaus Tschira Foundation’s KlarText Award for Science Communication:
Dr. Lisa-Marie Kern (29), currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy, was awarded the Klaus Tschira Foundation’s KlarText Award for Science…

Kasra Amini awarded €2.5 million of funding from the European Research Council
The MBI researcher wants to develop a tool to better track atomic changes in molecules and condensed matter during a reaction:
Kasra Amini has been awarded the prestigious Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). This highly competitive grant is given to exceptional early-career researchers with two to seven years of…

European Research Council funds BAM scientist Janine George
Prof. George receives research funding of 1.5 million euros for her “Multibondes” project:
Janine George from the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) has been awarded a Starting Grant of around 1.5 million euros by the European Research Council (ERC). The prestigious grant will support…

LTB receives certification for environmental management and energy management
Adlershof company's commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency honoured:
LTB Lasertechnik Berlin GmbH has been awarded the prestigious DIN 14001 and DIN 50001 certifications, marking a significant milestone in the company‘s commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency. The DIN 14001…

LUM science prize Young Scientist Award 2024
M. Sc. Amin Said Amin was honored at the 11th International Conference on Dispersion Analysis and Materials Testing:
From June 10th to 11th, 2024, LUM GmbH hosted the 11th International Conference on Dispersion Analysis and Materials Testing. 70 participants from 14 countries around the world took part. Three candidates from France,…

Black holes from the perspective of particle physics
Gustav Mogull receives the Karl Scheel Prize of the Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin, endowed with 5,000 euros:
Gustav Mogull, a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute/AEI) in Potsdam and at Humboldt University in Berlin, investigates mathematical methods and…

DFG extends the Collaborative Research Centre FONDA
In the project, the HU Department of Computer Science is working on data analysis workflows for large scientific data sets:
The CRC ‘FONDA - Foundations of Workflows for Large-Scale Scientific Data Analysis’ has been extended by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for a funding period of four years. IRIS Adlershof member Prof Dr Ulf Leser…

Julia von Blumenthal elected President of Circle U.
The President of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin will lead the strategic development of the European university alliance:
At the General Assembly held on 31 May 2024 at UCLouvain in Brussels, Julia von Blumenthal, President of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, was elected as new president of Circle U. Succeeding Vincent Blondel, then…

Nathalie Picqué receives the 2024 William F. Meggers Award
The MBI Director and Professor of Physics at HU Berlin was honored for her path-breaking work on broadband molecular spectroscopy using interfering frequency combs:
The Meggers Award of OPTICA (formerly the Optical Society) was established in 1970 to honour the memory of William F. Meggers, an American physicist specialising in spectroscopy. It is awarded annually in recognition…

Prof. Dr. Joachim Sauer receives the Blaise Pascal Medal 2024 in Chemistry
European Academy of Sciences (EURASC) honours the renowned chemist for his outstanding research in the field of catalytic reactions:
Professor Joachim Sauer is honored with the Blaise Pascal Medal in Chemistry for his exceptional contributions to understanding catalytic reactions on the basis of quantum chemistry at all levels and through his…

EPIC Lifetime Achievement Award for Viacheslav Artyushenko
The European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC) honored the founder of art photonics GmbH:
Viacheslav Artyushenko, CEO & Founder of the Adlershof art photonics GmbH, has been honored with the EPIC Lifetime Achievement Award by the European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC) at the EPIC AGM & SUMMIT 2024…

Sebastian Keckert wins Young Scientist Award for Accelerator Physics
The physicist developed new superconducting thin-film material systems at HZB that enable significant energy savings at accelerator facilities:
Dr Sebastian Keckert has been awarded the Young Scientist Award for Accelerator Physics of the German Physical Society (DPG). The prize is endowed with 5000 euros and was presented to him on 21.03. during the spring…

Prof. Clara Saraceno is honored with the International Fellowship Award 2024
The IKZ researcher receives the award for achievements in the field of oxide and fluoride dielectrics and laser crystals:
Oxide and fluoride crystals are pivotal in many different areas of photonics. They are well-suited host materials for laser-active ions, can serve in optical Faraday insulators and also for non-linear frequency…