Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin presents the BESSY II+ upgrade programme:
At the 2024 meeting for the users of the electron storage ring BESSY II, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) presented the BESSY II+ upgrade programme. It enables world-class research at BESSY II to be further expanded and…
RLI research project shows ways to sustainably electrify rural regions:
In the project ‘Communities of Practice Nigeria’ (CP Nigeria), researchers from Reiner Lemoine Institute (RLI), together with experts from partner organizations, have developed results for the promotion of clean and…
An HZB team revealed that the special chemical environment in the P2X catalyst promotes water splitting during electrolysis:
Iridium-based catalysts are needed to produce hydrogen using water electrolysis. Now, a team at HZB has shown that the newly developed P2X catalyst, which requires only a quarter of the Iridium, is as efficient and…
Successful outcome of the ‘Buffered-HLL’ pilot project for energy- and cost-efficient charging with flywheel mass storage systems:
The nationwide pioneering pilot project ‘Buffered-HLL’ for energy- and cost-efficient high-performance charging with flywheel mass storage for electric buses in local public transport successfully concludes its…
Kick-off for the ‘MagSQuant’ project coordinated by IKZ:
The joint project ‘Low-loss materials for integrated magnonic-superconducting quantum technologies’ (MagSQuant) is the start of a new initiative to significantly increase the performance and scalability of…
Introducing an innovative world of work, ST3AM is now opening on the Adlershof campus:
Wealthy regions offer talent, technology—research, development, and academia—, tolerance—communities that practice openness and diversity—, and land available for development. This is complemented by other ecological…
A study coordinated by Humboldt-Universität has analysed so-called overshoot scenarios and warns of their consequences for the climate and the environment:
Even if it is possible to reverse the rise of global temperatures after a temporary overshoot of 1.5°C, some climate damages triggered at peak warming will be irreversible. These are the findings of 30 scientists…
Research team at BESSY II was able to increase the performance of environmentally friendly materials:
Bio-based thermoplastics are produced from renewable organic materials and can be recycled after use. Their resilience can be improved by blending bio-based thermoplastics with other thermoplastics. However, the…
Research team developed a highly efficient and very inexpensive AEM electrolyser:
A team from the Technical University of Berlin, HZB, IMTEK (University of Freiburg) and Siemens Energy has developed a highly efficient alkaline membrane electrolyser that approaches the performance of established PEM…
“All-GO-HEMT” project aims to make a significant contribution to sustainable energy generation:
Led by Dr. Andreas Fiedler, the “All-GO-HEMT” project aims to develop modulation-doped β-(AlₓGa₁₋ₓ)₂O₃/Ga₂O₃ heterostructures that exhibit high electron mobility. With total project funding of almost 2 million euros,…
Cross-national analysis shows how funds can be used more efficiently to protect tropical forests:
Scientific studies on the protection of tropical rainforests and dry forests show three trends over the last few decades: since the 1990s, the forest cover has shrunk by an estimated 65,000 to 95,000 km2. At the same…
TEAM PV to drive further development and comparability of low-cost solar modules:
Ten teams at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin are building a long-term international alliance to converge practices and develop reproducibility and comparability in perovskite materials. The TEAM PV project is funded by the…
HZB‘s Scientific Director will advise the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) on the direction of its energy research policy:
The Federal Minister of Economics Affairs and Climate Action, Robert Habeck, has appointed an advisory board to advise the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) on the energy research programme.…
The solar facades of the building in Adlershof provide insights into building-integrated photovoltaics:
About three years ago, the living laboratory at HZB went into operation. Since then, the photovoltaic facade has been generating electricity from sunlight. On September 27, 2024, it reached the milestone of 100…
Important contribution of the research institute for the recovery of strategic competitiveness in the EU:
Together with the European Network on Crystal Growth (ENCG) and the German Society for Crystal Growth (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallzüchtung & Kristallwachstum [DGKK]), contributions on academic and industrial…
HZB wants to be a role model for a clean future:
“When a research institution is heavily focused on renewable energies, it should set an example in its efforts for climate protection,” says Carina Hanke. “Because of this, HZB has committed itself to become…
International experts compare different approaches and warn against hype:
At first glance, the plan sounds compelling: invent and develop future electrolysers capable of producing hydrogen directly from unpurified seawater. But a closer look reveals that such direct seawater electrolysers…
The German Clothing Foundation is creating a CharityLab at Am Studio 16:
Those seeking refugee from war, displacement, and disaster often come with nothing more than the clothes on their back. For around 70 years now, the German Clothing Foundation has been helping people in these and…
25 organisations around the Reiner Lemoine Institute call for more transparent data to increase efficiency in the energy transition and grid expansion:
In an open letter, the Reiner Lemoine Institute, together with an alliance of research, industry and associations, appeals to Germany’s Federal Network Agency Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) to make grid data even more…
DLR creates live situation maps for international exercise for the first time and analyses data with open source AI:
From 21 to 25 May 2024, the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) took part in the international disaster relief exercise ACHILLES 2024 in Switzerland. For the first time, a team…