International consortium to advance decarbonisation of the aviation sector:
The company Sasol and Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) will lead a consortium to develop and optimise next-generation catalysts that will play a key role in decarbonising the aviation sector through sustainable aviation…
Reiner Lemoine Institut starts country report on behalf of the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF):
How can Uganda’s energy system be transformed into a system that runs on 100 percent renewable energy? This question will be answered by the Reiner Lemoine Institute on behalf of the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)…
The findings enable better approaches for the targeted optimisation of this class of materials:
In order to explain the particularly favourable properties of perovskite semiconductors for solar cells, various hypotheses are circulating. Polarons or a giant Rashba effect, for example, are thought to play a major…
Based on the distribution of lithium isotopes, the ageing of lithium-ion batteries can be determined and evaluated:
The Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) has developed an innovative method that uses algorithms from face recognition to determine the ageing of lithium-ion batteries. The method is intended to help…
Hausdorf plans to build twelve single-family homes powered by picea, HPS’s year-round electricity storage system:
HPS Home Power Solutions (HPS), provider of picea, the world’s first year-round electricity storage system based on green hydrogen, today announces its collaboration with Hausdorf, a property developer in the Munich…
RLI Managing Director is one of the world's most remarkable women working to electrify mobility:
For the fourth time, the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) acknowledges the world’s most remarkable women in mobility with a dedicated publication, this year honoring them as Electric Women. The 2022…
Digital tool shows important data and facts about the energy transition and makes contexts clearer:
Influence of CO2 emissions on the climate, development of droughts in Germany or the share of renewable energies in the electricity mix – the Reiner Lemoine Institute (RLI) has developed the new energy transition…
Q CELLS and Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin achieve record efficiency of 28.7% for 2-terminal perovskite-silicon tandem solar cell:
Q CELLS and Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin achieve a new world record efficiency for a 2-terminal tandem solar cell combining a mass-production ready silicon bottom cell based on Q.ANTUM technology and a top-cell based on…
Research teams from HZB and ISFH have combined PERC/POLO silicon cells, which are widely used on the market, with perovskite cells for the first time and estimate the efficienciy at 29.5%:
So-called PERC cells are used in mass production of silicon solar cells, they are considered the workhorses of photovoltaics, dominating the market. Now two teams from HZB and the Institute for Solar Energy Research…
The physicist researched how highly efficient tandem solar cells can be developed using new organic contact materials.:
On 17 February 2022, the Adlershof Dissertation Award was given out for the 20th time. This year’s award went to Dr. Amran Al-Ashouri (third from left) and included a prize money of 3,000 euros. It is jointly endowed…
Experts from CatLab at HZB and TU Berlin present an overview on current knowledge and outlook for future research:
Highly efficient (electro-)catalysts are essential for the production of green hydrogen, the chemical industry, fertiliser production and other sectors of the economy. In addition to transition metals, a variety of…
Prof. Bernd Rech assumes the role of sole Scientific Director of Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin:
In a special meeting of the HZB Supervisory Board on 8 February 2022, Prof. Jan Lüning retreated from his position of Scientific Director of HZB. Lüning asked in December to be dismissed and the Supervisory Board has…
Eva Unger researches perovskite semiconductors for solar cells at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and is now a professor at HU Berlin as well:
Eva Unger was now appointed as W2 professor at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Prof. Dr. Eva Unger leads a research group at HZB. She develops scalable technologies for the production of perovskite semiconductors for…
New superconducting magnet in operation at BESSY II:
Electron paramagnetic resonance (THz-EPR) at BESSY II provides important information on the electronic structure of novel magnetic materials and catalysts. In mid-January 2022, the researchers brought a new,…
Training on devices of the new LUMiSpoc® product line & new applications in battery and hydrogen research strengthen LUM GmbH in the world:
From January 20th to 21st, the International Sales Meeting of LUM GmbH took place for the 23rd time in a row. Despite the ongoing pandemic, the traditional face-to-face event could be held in a hybrid variant. The…
HZB researchers are supplying smartwatches with solar energy:
Ideally, the winners of the HZB Technology Transfer Prize go down the road of transforming a research question into a product and integrating it into our lives. The team surrounding Tobias Henschel and Bernd…
A new arrival in Adlershof: The innovation for digital power plants created by meteocontrol are in high demand worldwide:
Weather changes, and so do energy yields made from sun, wind or water. Ensuring a reliable supply requires flexible systems that are capable of pooling, storing, and releasing electricity from multiple sources. As a…
Award for his outstanding work in solid state research:
The Walter Schottky Prize honours outstanding work by young physicists in solid-state research. For 2022, the award goes to HZB physicist Dr Felix Büttner for his groundbreaking achievements in the field of magnetic…
Almost 30 % efficiency for next-generation tandem solar cells:
Three HZB teams led by Prof. Christiane Becker, Prof. Bernd Stannowski and Prof. Steve Albrecht have jointly managed to increase the efficiency of perovskite silicon tandem solar cells fabricated completely at HZB to…
New online tool developed by Reiner Lemoine Institute on behalf of Agora Energiewende was published:
To achieve its climate targets, Germany must use two percent of its surface for wind energy. But conflicts over site selection for new wind turbines and species protection are currently hampering expansion. The think…