The start-up Nearay from the Adlershof Founder’s Lab wants to better connect cultural communities:
“People with multicultural backgrounds and newcomers often struggle to find communities from their own cultural circles,” says Enes Savas. “The information is scattered everywhere. Searching for it can be…
The learning materials from the start-up ‘Little Feels’ are a great way to train children’s emotions:
“We are currently living in a type of mental health crisis,” says Mariette Herzog. “Every fourth child in German daycare centres exhibits signs of social-emotional developmental deficits. Twenty percent of all…
A start-up team in Adlershof is developing a smart watering system for balconies:
With great precision, the start-up Plances—funded by the Adlershof Founder’s Lab (AFL)—will deliver valuable moisture to the balconies of renters across the city. Their mission: Greener, more liveable cities in which…
At the Adlershof Founder’s Lab, the team is developing software designed to make calculations much easier:
A start-up based at Adlershof Technology Park is working to bring about a revolution in the construction industry. Utilising artificial intelligence, the audacious founders are looking to fundamentally change the way…
MeiCook, a team from the Adlershof Founder’s Lab, wants to drive forward the development of the food industry:
With support from the Berlin Startup Scholarship, an international team made up of people from Armenia, Germany, and Turkey is developing the city’s first hotdog vending machine. The prototype is already in the…
The start-up Pendulum is simplifying gait analysis:
Staying fit into old age – who wouldn’t want that? However, the first signs of diseases are typically only visible to people who have the necessary training and expertise. Medical professionals call these changes…
RoofUz creates living space through sustainable rooftop extensions:
The start-up team of RoofUz wants to create additional living space in cities without sealing more surfaces. It does so through sustainable extensions of existing rooftops. In this way, 70,000 residential units could…
voilà is bringing together exclusive restaurants and gourmets:
If you’re a fan of top gastronomy but don’t want to travel far for it, you can now have the complete menu delivered to your doorstep. The start-up voilà is bringing together exclusive restaurants and gourmets. Roast…
Data-driven risk assessment offered by aims at paving the way to a hundred-percent self-sufficiency with green electricity:
The Adlershof-based founding couple behind provide decision-making support for companies, communities, and other organisations that seek to decrease their carbon emissions through wind and solar…
The Adlershof Founder's Lab jump starts SuperCoop Berlin:
Berlin’s first cooperative supermarket is scheduled to open in late summer in Berlin-Wedding. The SuperCoop Berlin founders have pushed their project forward with help from the Adlershof Founder’s Lab. The idea of…
Feeding cities sustainably and strengthening social cohesion – that's what PlattenBaum UG is planning:
It’s about growing fresh vegetables on the outside of panel houses, meeting people in greenhouses and community gardens, and the universal power of connecting through gardening. Maayan Strauss and Kerem Halbrecht…
What drives prospective business founders – two teams from the Adlershof Founder’s Lab report:
Making the step to start a company requires courage, even when things are normal. What drives prospective founders to take the step during the epidemic year 2020? – two teams from the Adlershof Founder’s Lab…
Start-up Greenboatsolutions helps boat owners convert to electric engines:
Electric cars, bikes and scooters: out on the streets, the electrification of transportation is well underway. But how about on the water? Germany has more than 500,000 boats on inland waters and in coastal areas.…
In conversation with Katrin Sirach, provider of the professional partner agency optinoo:
Freedom is the highest good for Katrin Sirach. This might be one reason why she gave up a high-paid job at a pharmaceutical company with a corporate university to jump in the deep end. There, she founded optinoo GmbH…
TruTraTrec is breaking new ground in wastewater treatment:
Mohammed Mehrjouei always knew he wanted to start his own company. ‘I have many ideas,’ says the 41-year-old. Seeking to break new ground in wastewater treatment, Mehrjouei conceived and developed a new photoreactor,…
At the Adlershof Founder’s Lab the start-up ProMetronics is working on flawless functional microsurfaces:
The young Adlershof company ProMetronics UG combines 3D microscopy with artificial intelligence to inspect the quality of functional microsurfaces already in the manufacturing process. If defects are detected, the AI…
The Adlerhof-based talent hub looks back on a positive year:
The start-up support programme Adlershof Founder’s Lab has been active for a year now. The programme fosters technical and technology-based team start-ups on campus. Time to look back. The head of sales needs…
Tenants in Coworking Space IM.PULS benefit from each other:
“Sitting close together promotes contact,” claims Tobias Kirschnick, Head of the Innovation and Setup Centre and responsible for the coworking space IM.PULS inaugurated in November in Adlershof. This meets with José…
Thomas Pfeiffer develops affordable desalinisation and irrigation systems:
It started with a chance discovery in his inbox. Thomas Pfeiffer said to his business partner: “That sounds like a good idea. Let’s do it and see what happens.” The tender from Adlershof popped up on Pfeiffer’s screen…
The Gründerwerkstatt is the anchor tenant of a new co-working space:
They are all the rage: open spaces for working, networking and trying new things. Berlin is the world capital of co-working spaces and now the Technology Park has one its own. The newly-founded Gründerwerkstatt…