HZB team is working on optimising this promising battery type:
A team from HZB and the Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology (IWS) in Dresden has gained new insights into lithium-sulphur pouch cells at the BAMline of BESSY II. Supplemented by analyses in the HZB…
The Adlershof-based institute develops tailored diode lasers for use in industry, medical and quantum technologies – from chips to prototypes:
At Photonics West 2025 in San Francisco (USA), the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH) will be presenting novel and advanced diode lasers. FBH will be participating in both the trade fair (January 28-30, 2025) and the…
Using THz-EPR, a special spectroscopy method at BESSY II, magnetic properties of materials can be determined very precisely:
At the Berlin synchrotron radiation source BESSY II, the largest magnetic anisotropy of a single molecule ever measured experimentally has been determined. The larger this anisotropy is, the better a molecule is…
Joint project “ForMikro-GoNext” with participation of IKZ and FBH successfully completed:
In the joint project “ForMikro-GoNext”, beta-gallium oxide (β-Ga₂O₃) was further developed as a pioneering semiconductor material for efficient power electronics. The partners made significant progress along the…
Funding increased by more than 28% in 2020-2022 compared to the previous period:
The institutes of the Forschungsverbund were able to increase the amount of DFG funding they acquired compared to previous years. According to the German Research Founding Atlas 2024, between 2017 and 2019, the seven…
Growing particularly large silicon crystals will support the construction of a gravitational wave observatory:
The Einstein Telescope (ET) is a planned next-generation gravitational wave observatory in Europe, designed to detect and study gravitational waves with unprecedented sensitivity. It will use a network of underground…
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin presents the BESSY II+ upgrade programme:
At the 2024 meeting for the users of the electron storage ring BESSY II, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) presented the BESSY II+ upgrade programme. It enables world-class research at BESSY II to be further expanded and…
Kazuki Morita and Qingping Wu contribute their expertise in materials and energy research at HZB:
In 2024, two young scientists joined HZB as Humboldt Fellows. Kazuki Morita joined Prof. Antonio Abate's group and brings his expertise in modelling and data analysis to solar energy research. Qingping Wu is an expert…
Fifth flyby of Mercury by BepiColombo space probe:
Mercury is the innermost and smallest of the eight planets. Outwardly, it bears a strong resemblance to Earth's Moon, but the planet differs considerably from it in terms of its structure and composition. Planetary…
RLI research project shows ways to sustainably electrify rural regions:
In the project ‘Communities of Practice Nigeria’ (CP Nigeria), researchers from Reiner Lemoine Institute (RLI), together with experts from partner organizations, have developed results for the promotion of clean and…
2.5 million euros funding for the research project „Multidimensional Hyperentangled Photon Graph States“:
Prof. Dr. Tim Schröder from the Departement of Physics at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik (FBH), has been awarded a Consolidator Grant from…
An HZB team revealed that the special chemical environment in the P2X catalyst promotes water splitting during electrolysis:
Iridium-based catalysts are needed to produce hydrogen using water electrolysis. Now, a team at HZB has shown that the newly developed P2X catalyst, which requires only a quarter of the Iridium, is as efficient and…
38,000 schoolchildren visited the school lab at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin:
Twenty years ago, on 29 November 2004, Klaus Böger, then Senator for Education in Berlin, opened one of the capital's first school laboratories. Since then, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB), in cooperation with the…
At the Berlin Quantum Pioneer Days the young scientists were awarded the jury prize:
A successful week came to an end for Sascha Neinert and Kirti Vardhan. The two young scientists from the Joint Lab Integrated Quantum Sensors (IQS) were awarded the jury prize of the Berlin Quantum Pioneer incubation…
Successful outcome of the ‘Buffered-HLL’ pilot project for energy- and cost-efficient charging with flywheel mass storage systems:
The nationwide pioneering pilot project ‘Buffered-HLL’ for energy- and cost-efficient high-performance charging with flywheel mass storage for electric buses in local public transport successfully concludes its…
At PTB, a novel calibration approach for scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy has been developed:
In scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM), THz radiation (e.g. from the electron storage ring MLS) is focused onto a metallised probe to enable THz-spectroscopy below the diffraction limit on…
Kick-off for the ‘MagSQuant’ project coordinated by IKZ:
The joint project ‘Low-loss materials for integrated magnonic-superconducting quantum technologies’ (MagSQuant) is the start of a new initiative to significantly increase the performance and scalability of…
Experiments at BESSY II have clarified chemical changes in lithium-ion batteries:
New cathode materials are being developed to further increase the capacity of lithium batteries. Multilayer lithium-rich transition metal oxides (LRTMOs) offer particularly high energy density. However, their capacity…
AFF poster prize was awarded to Juliane Scholl:
Almost 100 scientists, young researchers and founders came together to the Adlershof Research Forum on 11.11.2024 at Erwin Schrödinger Centre to discuss current developments and challenges facing the science location…
Carsten Engelhard monitors the reliability of chemical analyses:
Searching for a needle in a haystack. Is that the appropriate metaphor? It could make it easier for a layperson to understand how Carsten Engelhard spends his workdays. In both research and teaching, his home has been…